Monday, October 26, 2009

HI PEOPLE I'M BACK!!! Hahas has been a long time ever since i last posted due to end-of-year examinations:( DAMMIT!!!! lols now i'm back to posting cause pei shan tells me my blog is dying... lols! thanks pei shan:) haha now after exam so relaxed!! In sch can slack during lessons then on the weekends can just go out together with close friends!!! Hahas love it this way man.... OH YA many thanks to Yeo Kai Xuan and Yee Hui Min for introducing me to mc cafe at orchard!!! Lols now i'm like soooooooooo addicted to the iced chocolate there hahas...... I'M LOVING IT!!!!! Hahahaha hope that every week would be last the previous one cause i really enjoyed myself to the max man!! probably the best outing for this year haha ok people! Gotta do something else so see ya! And keep up with my posts!!! :D

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

zzz sian sia... today in school the lessons were so boringg~~ omg tomorrow is thursday.. another boring day at school... haiz p.e and poa is ok lor its just the MATHS that screws everything up like omg lor.... haha today was so fun! hahahas had design and tech in the morn, poa and english after recess! those are like classes that are so good man... haha omg and i skipped chinese again!! haha actually in sch its quite boring to always sit in class, so we always like to play cards during recess! hahaha play taiti and all those gambling games la(no money involved).... lol i think its time i go do work le zzz omg so busy these dayss... ok bye! XD

Sunday, September 20, 2009

OMG i like superjunior sia... sorry sorry is such a nice song. currently learning the dance-.- its like so hard lor... and i haven recovered yet... omg i feel damn weird keep having headache.. haha but i still quite happy bought a new psp cover!!! omg it looks dam nice la haha
i've such good taste... lol ok i go and learn the dance le post later

Saturday, September 19, 2009

hi people... OMG i fell sick... i think it was cause i went running in the rain on friday afternoon... HAHA i am feeling damn uncomfortable lor... omg my whole head aching from morning till now.... lol my family went to the karaoke and i was like sleeping inside. LOL must be wondering how i did that.... haiz... i keep remembering about eoy exam then i keep feeling very anxious.... how? i keep failing geography social studies chemistry maths. the rest of my subjects are like average lor... i damn scared i drop to normal or stay back in express... its goona be damn screwed up. well guess i'll go back to practising my piano... my mom says no excuses..... BYE!

Friday, September 18, 2009

HI PEOPLE I'M BACK!! after two days then post sia... damn sian nowadays everyone dun wan go out de... i know now eoy coming but still must relax wat. then can have a better mind! haha i'm still doing my work, but i have something more important to do... omg my piano exam coming soon sia need to practise practise practise le.... Oh ya and damn lucky sia i supposed to have 2hour detention then mr ong forget he give me 1 hour only. LOL i think we same sirname so give 50% discount. LOL and free period i went to class 3joy for english lesson. LOL it was damn funny i kept shouting answer for the worksheet. we did that worksheet before. atfirst ms ng ask me go out de. then i walk out and sneaked back in. LOL she finally gave up and let me stay in the class haha ms ng lessons are always so fun! wahh but now got the new teacher ms karen tan ah, haiz sian sia. she not as much humour as ms ng one. disturb her abit she flare... quite a few times wanted to run out take fire extinguisher spray her down lor... but anyway i good boy de i show respect! LOL ok its about time i went to do my piano posting tmr or later again bah.. see ya!! XD

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

YES!!! Finally i finished my stupid work and now its time for me to relax.... You know not by playing games.... its something more fun to play with... THE PIANO!!! WAHAHAHA ok i know i'm quite stupid-looking but i do play the piano. So people who want to see me play it, bet something with me! hahaha kk! time to play my piano. Dum dee dum dee dum
HI EVERYONE i'm back!omg i'm like so busy with sch work these days.... SOMEONE HELP ME!!!! omg guess i'm just pure dumb laaa. no hope le-.- haiz i just hope i can stay in express with my current resultsXD its like omg laa. okok back to work.... haha ~~~

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

OMG OMG OMG it looks like i really fail.... i dunno how put tagboard. LOL i'm trying so people patiently wait till its up. Thanks!


hi people xing tang here. Lol i just started a blog and like quite fun ah-.- Er i still not quite used to doing such stuff cause normally boys play games, read manga, or *certain* stuff and seldom do blogs one. So apparently, i quite good boy. only study, msn and blog. LOL so people just feel free to come to my blog, and i guess i'm quite lousy at this. LOL ok back to studying:D